Mathes & Fischbacher WP/StB

Georgenstraße 39
D-80799 München-Schwabing

Telefon: +49-89-27 37 16-6
Telefax: +49-89-27 37 16-70

update: 18.01.2025


Tax con­sul­tan­cy fee regu­la­ti­on for:
Preparing annu­al accounts
Financial and salary/​wage accoun­ting, inclu­ding social secu­ri­ty insu­rance and
tax sub­mis­si­ons, tog­e­ther with peri­odic busi­ness eva­lua­tions tail­o­red to your needs
Tax sub­mis­si­ons and returns

Individual hour­ly rates for:
Reports (busi­ness plan­ning, finan­cial plan­ning, bud­get fore­casts, busi­ness eva­lua­tions, state­ments of assets etc.
Business consultancy

For infor­ma­ti­on on our cur­rent hour­ly rates, plea­se cont­act us by phone.