Mathes & Fischbacher WP/StB

Georgenstraße 39
D-80799 München-Schwabing

Telefon: +49-89-27 37 16-6
Telefax: +49-89-27 37 16-70

update: 18.01.2025

Dipl.-Kfm. Eberhard Mathes WP/​StB

Languages: German, English, French

1991 Completion of Business Studies (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich)
Specialising in: Organisation, Audits, Trusts

1991–1997 Audit and Tax Assistant in a medi­um-sized Tax Consultancy and Audit Practice
Specialising in: tax and busi­ness con­sul­tan­cy for pri­va­te indi­vi­du­als, the self-employed, small- and medi­um-sized firms,
pre­pa­ra­ti­on of busi­ness reports (busi­ness plan­ning, finan­cial plan­ning, bud­get fore­cast), com­pa­ny eva­lua­tions, staements of assets etc.
optio­nal and com­pul­so­ry annu­al account audits for natio­nal and mul­ti­na­tio­nal companies.

1995 Appointment as tax consultant

1998 Appointment as auditor

1998 Founding of the partnership